Below is a synopsis of our support terms and conditions.
For our full terms and conditions in PDF format, see the link near the foot of the page.
Cutler IT Limited’s Business IT Support Services are charged on a remote support services basis only. Site visits are not covered under the support agreement but, where required and agreed, are charged separately on a Time Related Charge basis, unless specifically noted within the support order form. The Business Service Terms and Conditions provide the following:-
- A single point of contact for the Service and additional advice associated with the customers’ installations.
- Remote access capabilities to Customers’ registered equipment for diagnostics and problem solving.
- Telephone and screen assisted presentation, help and advice on use of supported applications, operating systems and equipment.
The IT Support packages available are outlined below:
ComputerCare -Unlimited access to IT Helpdesk(8am to 5:30pm | Mon to Fri) -Advice and support on most Microsoft applications -Email support on PC and mobile devices -Assistance with issues on mobile and tablet devices (which are server related) -Assistance with hardware issues and liaison with hardware providers(where equipment was originally purchased from Cutler IT) -Network advice and diagnostics including broadband and leased line services -Server administration advice and support -Assistance with calls to 3rd party vendors (Software applications) -Back Up monitoring -User profile changes
ComputerCare Secure -All of the above ComputerCare services -Managed Antivirus Services -Managed AntiSPAM services -Availability of Loan server for disaster recovery purposes CustomCare -A tailored agreement, with specific inclusions denoted within the IT Support order documentation
Help Desk Availability
Remote support is provided via a UK based help desk during the following hours:
08:00hrs to 17:30 hours Weekdays, excluding public bank holidays.
Support outside of these hours may be provided on a bespoke basis by agreement only.
Cutler IT will endeavour to respond to any reported issue within the same working day.
Support calls must be originated to the help desk by the customer with the cost of these calls being borne by the customer unless otherwise agreed. Calls to the 0333 700 2077 helpdesk number are charged the same as your carrier would normally charge for dialling a landline number and are generally included within any bundled mobile or landline call packages.
Contract Period and Termination
Cutler IT must provide 30 days notice of termination under normal circumstances. If the customer has not paid support contract charges Cutler IT will be entitled to withdraw support immediately the unpaid contract period begins.
Cutler IT will not terminate a customer’s contract without reasonable cause for example a failure to comply with these terms and conditions or excessive use of the service due to unreasonable customer actions.
Delivery of Services
The Service is provided using the latest remote access technology using secure socket layer (SSL) technology, to any location accessible via the World Wide Web.
Cutler IT will request agreement from the customer before accessing any part of a device unless previous access methods have been agreed. (i.e. jump customers on the network or VPN access to LAN and equipment have been set up.) If agreement is not given then support cannot be provided.
Service Coverage
The following equipment types are covered by the Business Service;
- PC Compatible Desktops, Towers and Laptops.
- Servers. Racked or Towers.
- Rack equipment accessible via remote access.
- Routers, switches, Hubs and firewalls accessible via remote support.
- ADSL/Broadband Routers accessible via remote support.
- Printers and scanners accessible via remote support.
Support on customer servers will be limited to:
- Diagnostics and problem solving covering:
- Current supported Windows Operating Systems and application software
- Windows Server O/S
- Exchange (On Premise)
- Active Directory (Users and Computers)
- Applying critical operating systems patches, as recommended by Microsoft.
- Where provided by Cutler IT, monitoring of anti-virus software.
- Periodic checks to ensure the latest versions and definitions of software are installed and running. This check does not release the Customer from its responsibilities set out in the T&Cs document.
- Remote configuration and monitoring from time to time of any of the Server based backup applications. It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure the correct backup media is installed in the backup device and that all media is stored in a safe and secure environment.
- Administering the creation, removal and updating of user accounts, shared folder and shared printers. Cutler IT reserves the right to charge the Customer for this activity in the event that, in its sole opinion, Cutler IT believes that the use of this part of the Service is excessive.
Support on customer PCs will be limited to X86 based Windows Machines.
Support is provided for equipment that meets the following minimum requirements;
- A supported Windows operating system.
- A processor speed of 1.4GHz or greater;
- 4GB or more of RAM
- At least 10GB available hard drive space;
- An available USB, Ethernet or wireless port.
Cutler IT’s ability to deliver the service will be impaired to the point that support may not be possible in the following circumstances;
- Where communications link is not available to the Internet (WWW)
- Where support representatives accessing the support tool do so via mobile locations, slow links, or customer broadband links with poor response.
- Where equipment is deemed by Cutler IT to be of a non-serviceable condition remote support will not be offered. (i.e. long periods of repetitive support on same issues due to age of equipment)
- Software restoration/recovery will only be performed on site following a hardware fault corrupting the application software and is subject to a visit charge at standard rates in force at the time. In addition this requires the Customer to ensure that any restore disk is held on the Site and made readily available to Cutler IT.
Local Area Network Equipment
Cutler IT will attempt to work with the existing remote support networking equipment as outlined below.
- WAN routers, ADSL modems, network switches and hubs.
- WiFi Access Points supplied by Cutler IT.
- Cutler IT will attempt to determine the cause of any connectivity issues relating to the Public WAN interface equipment or/and liaise with the suppliers to resolve it, where that interface is a BTNET circuit or an ADSL circuit provided by the customer’s broadband supplier.
- Cutler IT’s liaison with other suppliers is limited to resolving connectivity issues within the customer’s network infrastructure. It does not apply to any other company or individual.
- Network connectivity trouble shooting is limited to basic TCP/IP routing and remote access issues and does not cover the use of packet sniffers or complex routing unless agreed in an extended contractual arrangement. Managed switches are covered only from a basic usage perspective. Switch configuration services are limited to GUI interactions only.
- The customer accepts that Cutler IT will decide the limit of support provided in relation to network issues.
The Service covers remote support of Firewalls as outlined below.
- Firewall remote support will be limited to port forwarding and NAT configuration only.
- Cutler IT accepts no responsibility for opening of ports as requested by the customer. The customer shall indemnify Cutler IT against any issues caused by firewall breaches due to the customers NAT or Port translation requirements.
- The customer shall indemnify Cutler IT against any and all intrusions via firewall where anyone other than Cutler IT has access to firewall passwords or the hardware itself.
Printers and peripherals
Remote Support for printers is limited to the setup and configuration on customer PCs only. No hardware support is provided as part of the service.
Support can only be provided where original discs are available from the customer for local insertion and use.
For the avoidance of doubt, items of equipment which are not supported under the Service include but are not limited to non-standard equipment or equipment of a specialist nature such as printing machines, plotters, scanners, cameras and video equipment.
Customer Agreements and understandings
The customer agrees to;
- Provide or allow Cutler IT to obtain and record technical details of the supported computing equipment, local area network and connected devices along with Machine IDs, passwords and user names.
- Indemnify Cutler IT Limited against any failures in the supported applications and operating systems that cannot be resolved using the Service, or for the Customer’s failure to correctly follow Cutler IT Limited’s advice and recommendations.
- Be responsible for backing up any and all data on any equipment Cutler IT will be working on, BEFORE Cutler IT carries out any incident report work. Cutler IT also recommends that the Customer regularly and frequently backs-up ANY stored data as Cutler IT cannot accept any liability for loss or corruption of the Customer’s data.
Despite its best endeavours Cutler IT does not guarantee that it will be able to fix all faults reported by the Customer, or that they will be able to advise on all service related issues.
To download a pdf copy of our full support terms and conditions, please click below.